Requirements for article

The scientific-practical journal “Educational Analytics of Ukraine” publishes articles that cover challenging issues in the field of statistics, analytics and education economics, as well as proposals aimed at solving problems in relevant areas, materials of roundtables, scientific seminars, and scientific and practical conferences.

Articles that are written in Ukrainian and English are accepted for publication.

The publication of the article is free of charge. Fees for the articles are not paid.

Each author receives an author’s copy of the journal for free. Articles that do not meet the journal’s requirements are not accepted for registration. Authors of publications are fully responsible for the reliability of factual and digital information, proper names, geographical names, citations and other information.

Materials published in the journal are subject to internal and external peer review by members of the journal’s Editorial Board or experts in the relevant field. The peer-review process is confidential. In case of a negative review or availability of substantive remarks, the article may be rejected or returned to the author (co-authors) for further improvement. If the author or co-authors disagree with the opinion of the reviewer, by the decision of the Editorial Board, an additional independent peer review may be carried out. Once the corrections according to the reviewer’s comments were introduced by the author (co-authors), the article is accepted for publishing.

The Editorial Board keeps the right to refuse publication of the article containing previously published data, as well as materials that do not meet the journal’s requirements (standards) or research materials with violation of ethical principles (such as conflicts between authors or between authors and organization, plagiarism, etc.).



  1. Education Management
  2. Financial and Economic Aspects of Education
  3. Budget Financing of the Social and Humanitarian Sphere
  4. Development of Information and Educational Technologies
  5. Current Issues of Science and Innovation Development
  6. Inclusive Education
  7. Preschool Education
  8. General Secondary Education
  9. Out-of-School Education
  10. Vocational Education and Training
  11. Pre-tertiary Vocational Education
  12. Higher Education
  13. Adult Education
  14. Human Capital Development
  15. International Educational Space



The manuscript of the article is submitted in electronic form to the editorial address: In the subject of the letter, it is necessary to indicate the author’s name and section title (for example, “Surname_section 1”).

Along with the article file you need to add:

Information about the author (co-authors) – surname, name and middle name in full, scientific degree, academic degree, an honorary title, work position, the official name of the institution (enterprise, organization) at the primary workplace, contact information (telephone number, email), ORCID ID (required).

After the article is approved for publication, the author(s) must submit a license agreement for the use of the article signed by all co-authors (the form of the license agreement is available in the Editorial Board). The License Agreement enters into force after acceptance of the article. The signing of the License Agreement by the author (co-authors) means that they got acquainted and agree with the terms of the License Agreement.

For Ukrainian authors: If the article is submitted in English, it is necessary to add a translation of the article into Ukrainian (technical translation).


The scientific article should contain the following elements:

In Ukrainian (for foreign authors, the editorial board will provide a Ukrainian-language translation for necessary article metadata)

1) The column of the journal in which the article is submitted

2) The article must contain the UDC (Universal Decimal Code) index, determined by the Universal Decimal Classification tables.

3) Personal information of the author (co-authors):

  • full surname, name and middle name of the author;
  • academic degree, academic status, and honorary title;
  • job position and the official name of the institution(company, organization) at the primary workplace; сity, country;
  • email;
  • ORCID IDof the author (co-authors) (ORCID ID:

4) Title of the article (should be brief, accurately reflect the article’s content, does not contain abbreviations and phrases such as “Some questions …”, “According to the problem …”, “Study of the issue …” etc.).

5) Abstract (150-200 words) should contain a brief description of the following parameters presented in the article: purpose, method, results, and conclusion (in Ukrainian).

6) Keywords – from 5 to 8 words and phrases (in Ukrainian).

7) JEL Classification code defined in accordance with the classification system designed by the Journal of Economic Literature (

8) Article.

The text of the article should be structured as follows:

Introduction – where the problem statement is indicated, as well as the relevance of the chosen topic, analysis of recent research and publications, the purpose and objectives of the work;

Presentation of the main material of the study and its main results – where it is necessary to highlight: the main provisions and results of scientific research, personal ideas, opinions, obtained scientific facts, revealed patterns, links, trends, methods of obtaining and analyzing factual material, the author’s personal contribution to reaching and implementing the conclusions;

Conclusions –  the most important results of the study, which contain scientific novelty and have theoretical and (or) practical significance in the form of synthesis of scientific information accumulated in the main part of the article, that is consistent, clear, logical presentation of the author’s most important results and prospects for further research.

The size of the manuscript should not exceed 20 pages, paper size – A4, font – Times New Roman (font size 14), line spacing – 1,5, all margins – 2 cm each.

The article should be clear, structured, and not overloaded with graphical material, tables and formulas. The author (co-authors) should avoid repetition in the text of information contained in the tables or illustrations (at the same time, an analytical commentary should be given to it). In the text of the article, all statistics, tables, illustrations, and quotations should be supported by references in the square brackets to the source numbers from the list of references, indicating the pages to which the author refers (for example: [1, p. 25], [2, pp. 46-48], [3; 4]; [5–8]).). References to out-of-date publications, educational and popular scientific literature and one’s own publications are undesirable (the latter are allowed only if necessary). In order to increase the scientific level of the article, one should refer to foreign scientific sources and periodicals included in the leading international scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.).

All tables and figures should have a sequence number, and a brief title, that clearly reflect their contents, symbols and measurement units of all indicators, as well as references to the source of information which they are taken from or based on (or it should be indicated that they are independently made by the author).

Figures and tables should not break sentences in a paragraph, that they should be placed after the paragraph in which they are first referenced in the text.

Graphs and diagrams must be made in Microsoft Excel, and the corresponding files should be added to the main file of the article. It should be remembered that the publication is black-and-white, so all graph materials must be qualitatively and clearly seen in the black-and-white version. The elements that show different indicators are designated by different shades of grey (rather than by background plates), which improves the user’s perception of the publication.

Formulas should be typed in Equation or MathType formula editors. Not complicated formulas and formula indicators on the text should be typed using Word features capabilities such as upper/lower index in the tab “Font” and “Insert” –”Symbol” (e.g.: х2, у3, Δf, α, ±, ≠, ≤, ≥, ÷, ×, β, γ, δ, ε, λ. π, φ, { }, Е = Δmc2; А = –(Еn2 – En1), etc.).

9) List of References is given after the text of the article and includes only the publications mentioned in the text in the order in which links to them appear. All sources should be written in the original language, without translation, and give a complete bibliographic description, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian State Standard DSTU 8302: 2015 “National standard of Ukraine. Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of the compilation”.

In English:

10)  Personal information of the author (co-authors):

  • full surname, name and middle name as the author is registered (cited) in the international scientometric databases, or as stated in the foreign passport);
  • academic degree, academic status, and honorary title;
  • job position and the official name of the institution(company, organization) at the primary workplace; сity, country;
  • email;
  • ORCID IDof the author (co-authors) (ORCID ID:

11) The title of the article translated into English.

12) Abstract. An abstract in English should be written according to the requirements of international scientometric databases, original (do not copy the shortened Ukrainian-language abstract), up to 250-300 words (actually a summary), provide a brief structured presentation of the article, a general overview of the research issue, the objective of the article, research methods, main scientific results and their theoretical and (or) practical significance, and conclusions which could be supported by recommendations, assessments, proposals, hypotheses contained in materials. To the English abstract should be added its Ukrainian version, from which the translation was made (only for Ukrainian authors).

13) Keywords: keywords translated into English.

14) References –  a list of literature, translated into English and designed in accordance with the international style of scientific publications (APA style, American Psychological Association).

Some examples of published English-language articles in the “Educational Analytics of Ukraine” journal:

Zatonatska, T., Anisimova, O.,  Devemi, J-F., & Giedraitis, V. R. (2021). Comparative analysis of the best practices of gender audit in education. DOI:

Tutlys, V. et al. (2022). Adjusting vet curricula for welders to the requirements of the principles of circular economy. DOI:

Popova, V. & Popov, V. (2023). Education as a subject of the Ukrainian labor market during martial law. DOI: