
Maryna Lyesnikova


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The educational environment in the system of vocational education and training (VET), as a component of the global education system, should be gender-sensitive without any manifestations of gender bias and discrimination. The article identifies that such factors as national, regional or local management of VET institutions, labor market requirements, involvement of social partners, etc. reduce gender imbalance and contribute to the formation of a gender-sensitive educational environment. A review of best practices in education systems in Australia, the USA, Finland, Germany and Ireland showed that government projects are underway to create a gender-sensitive educational environment in VET institutions. The online platforms of these projects contain toolkits, examples of good practices, tips, useful links, examples of gender-neutral curricula, best teaching methods, teaching aids, elements of gender-sensitive speech, portfolio of professions, etc. In Ukraine, gender equality issues are also given some attention in VET institutions. Management and employees are aware of the importance of gender equality for the development of VET institutions and work continues to overcome stereotypes in career guidance work. However, there is currently no institutional framework or mechanisms for gender equality in domestic VET. In addition, there is no designated person for gender policy. According to the research results, primary steps for the development of a gender-sensitive educational environment in Ukrainian VET institutions are proposed, namely: the development of organizational frameworks and mechanisms for ensuring gender equality; regular training of teaching staff in the promotion of gender equality and the elimination of stereotypes in vocational guidance work; ensuring universal access to classrooms, workshops and laboratories, sports halls, locker rooms and other facilities of the VET institutions for free access by all without segregation, etc. The main direction of further research is the creation of methodological bases for the formation of an inclusive and gender-sensitive educational environment in VET institutions.
Keywords: vocational education and training, gender-sensitive educational environment in vocational training institutions, profession, career guidance.

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