Sergiy Londar
Abstract. The article analyzes the development trends of the Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) in the context of global processes of expanding the use of information and communication technologies in public life. The author systematizes the classification for information systems of a hierarchical type, in which the identification of hierarchical levels is carried out according to the type of decisions, the composition of managerial staff and the type of information that is being processed for different government or organization levels. It is shown that today society sets new requirements for the field of education, in particular, to improve its quality through identifying the connection of «a person’s changes under the influence of education» and «the success of a person in adulthood». The change in approaches to the use of information and communication technology tools for solving this and other crucial tasks of the education sphere is revealed. Initially, the main information base was formed on the results of a survey of employers on the graduates’ success; the next step involved the use of administrative information from state and non-state databases that is more reliable. The approaches implemented in the Lithuanian ŠVIS/EMIS, in particular in its third block «National human resource monitoring», are analyzed in detail. This is modern EMIS in terms of studying the influence of education quality on a person’s status in the labor market. The article shows that in this EMIS first a portrait of a «successful person» is created by comparing administrative information from the tax and police services, information from social funds (pension and health care funds), etc. Therefore, a person is «successful» if he/she has a high salary, doesn’t break the law, cares about his/her future by participating in pension and health care programs, etc., has a family and brings up children. After identifying the level of «a person’s success», his/her graduate tracer is determined in the reverse direction: which university, college, school, kindergarten, he/she graduated from. Subsequently, the decisions on improving education levels are justified. It is determined that using EMIS in Ukraine in order to identify the graduate tracer of a «successful person» will enable to establish a more distinct link between the labor market and the higher education sector. In addition, it will improve the mechanism of budget funding of educational institutions and improve the content of educational services and the process of providing them with the aim of receiving advantages by a person in adulthood.
Keywords: information systems, Education Management Information Systems (EMIS), identification of the graduate tracer.
JEL classification: I20, I21.