Sergii Melnyk
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. This article, for the first time in domestic practice, explores the application of additional regulation of professional activity in Ukraine and EU member states. The following tasks were carried out: studying international and European approaches to the employment of regulated professions by employers and educational service providers; comparing the domestic system of professional activity regulation; reviewing relevant domestic publications; analyzing legislative and regulatory acts of a regulatory nature; proposing the typification of regulated professions and professional qualifications in Ukraine for the first time; and identifying the primary shortcomings of the Ukrainian system of professional activity regulation. During the research, the methods of monographic, systematic analysis, and comparative were used. The results indicate that domestic authors tend to concentrate their specialized research on the study of foreign education while paying little attention to relevant domestic practices. Among the author’s key findings is the lack of a unified, legally established framework for defining and implementing regulations for professional activities in the country. Comparing the recognition of professional qualifications in regulated professions is challenging due to differences in recognition procedures, volumes, tools, terms, and content. The lack of a national registry of regulated professions and qualifications also poses difficulties for stakeholders and foreign partners. This is particularly important when it comes to recognizing the professional qualifications of war refugees in host countries. In Ukraine, professions and qualifications are typically regulated using a departmental and sectoral approach. This approach involves preparing, externally assessing, recognizing, and practically implementing over 400 regulated professions, job titles, and positions, as well as full and partial professional qualifications associated with them. The National Qualifications Agency is not responsible for creating a register of regulated professions/qualifications. It also does not fully form the register of qualifications as a whole, focusing exclusively on including only professional qualifications defined in professional standards, the number of which is insignificant and does not exceed three hundred, etc.
Keywords: external independent evaluation of learning outcomes, personnel training, profession for which additional regulation is introduced, regulated profession, regulated speciality, regulatory normative acts.
Keywords: external independent evaluation of learning outcomes, personnel training, profession for which additional regulation is introduced, regulated profession, regulated speciality, regulatory normative acts.
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3. Rym, О. (2020). Legal regulation of the professional qualification recognition of a person for employment in the European Union. State and regions. Series: Law, 2(68), 64-69. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
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11. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2014). On higher education (Act No. 1556-VII, July 1). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
12. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2020). On approval of the list of specialties, obtaining a degree in which is necessary for access to professions for which additional regulation has been introduced (Order No. 673, May 22). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
13. SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics». (2023). Developing an indicative layout of the Register of Regulated Professions, Positions and Professional Titles of Work, which, among other things, require higher and specialized postgraduate education. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
14. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2021). On approval of the procedure for awarding and confirming professional qualifications by qualification centers (Resolution No. 956, September 15). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
15. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2017). On education (Act No. 2145-VIII, September 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
16. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. (2013). License conditions for professional activities in the stock market (securities market) – securities trading activities. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
17. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. (2013). License conditions for conducting professional activities in the stock market (securities market) – depository activities and clearing activities. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
18. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine. (2013). License conditions for conducting professional activities in the stock market (securities market) – activities for organizing trade in the stock market. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
19. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2000). On approving the lists of positions and specialties of personnel for the operation of nuclear facilities, whose training is subject to licensing, and positions of personnel directly involved in the management of a reactor facility (Resolution No. 1683, November 8). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
20. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2015). On approval of the license conditions for security activities (Resolution No. 960, November 18). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
21. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2002). On approval of the lists of healthcare institutions, medical positions, pharmacist positions, positions of specialists with pharmaceutical education, positions of healthcare professionals, positions of healthcare specialists and positions of professionals with higher non-medical education in healthcare institutions (Order No. 385, October 28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
22. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2002). Handbook of qualification characteristics of employee professions (Order No. 117, March 29). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
23. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2019). On approval of the procedure for certification of doctors: Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 dated 22.02.2019 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1753 dated 18.08.2021) (Order No. 446, February 22). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
24. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2022). On the peculiarities of certification of healthcare workers and extension of the validity of specialist certificates and certificates of qualification category during the period of martial law (Order No. 1415, August 4). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
25. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2011). Some issues of professional certification of performers of certain types of works (services) related to the creation of architectural objects (Resolution No. 554, May 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
26. Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. (2021). On the certification of land surveyors and engineers (Order No. 317, October 27). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
27. Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine. (2012). On approval of the rules for certification of non-destructive testing specialists (Order No. 1387, December 10). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
28. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2012). On the bar and the practice of law (Act No. 5076-VI, July 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
29. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2011). On approval of the regulation on the Higher Qualification Commission of Notaries (Resolution No. 923, August 31). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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31. State Aviation Administration of Ukraine. (2019). On approval of the aviation rules of Ukraine “Maintenance of airworthiness of aircraft and aircraft products, components and equipment and approval of organizations and personnel involved in the performance of these tasks” (Order No. 286, March 6). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
32. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1993). On audit activities (Act No. 3125-XII, April 22). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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36. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (1994). On approval of the regulation on the procedure for issuing certificates of tractor drivers (Resolution No. 217, April 2). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
37. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2013). On approval of the procedure for certification of emergency services and rescuers (Resolution No. 828, November 13). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
38. State Veterinary Service of Ukraine. (2009). On approval of the regulation on the procedure for certification of veterinary medicine specialists of state institutions (Order No. 321, September 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
39. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1992). On veterinary medicine (Act No. 2498-XII, June 25). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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43. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1995). The Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine (Code No. 176/95‑BP, May 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
44. Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. (2018). On approval of the sample and description of the certificate of confirmation of professional competence in the relevant field of state registration (Order No. 4145/5, December 29). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
45. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine. (2013). On approval of the regulation on certification of specialists in capital markets and organized commodity markets (Decision No. 1464, August 13). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
46. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2018). Some issues of professional certification in the profession of “manager (head) of a residential building (group of buildings)” (Resolution No. 1010, November 28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
47. Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. (2013). On approval of the procedure for assigning qualification categories to sports referees (Order No. 31, July 16). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
48. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2000). On approval of the list of positions of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers (Resolution No. 963, June 14). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
49. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2015). On civil service (Act No. 889-VIII, December 10). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
50. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2001). On service in local government (Act No. 2493-III, June 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
51. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2018). On diplomatic service (Act No. 2449-VIII, June 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
52. Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine. (1998). On approval of the rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations (Order No. 4, January 9). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
53. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2001). On approving the list of professions, industries and organizations whose employees are subject to mandatory preventive medical examinations, the procedure for conducting these examinations and issuing personal medical books (Resolution No. 559, May 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
54. Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State Committee of Ukraine for Supervision of Labor Protection. (1994). On approval of the list of works where professional selection is required (Order No. 263/121, September 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
55. State Committee of Ukraine on Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Mining Supervision. (2006). On approval of the rules for labor protection during work on board fishing vessels (Order No. 26, December 27). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
2. Vlasiuk, V. (2018). What changes will legal education undergo. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
3. Rym, О. (2020). Legal regulation of the professional qualification recognition of a person for employment in the European Union. State and regions. Series: Law, 2(68), 64-69. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
4. Official Journal of the European Union. (2005). Directive 2005/36/EС of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualification. Retrieved from
5. European Commission. (n. d.). Regulated professions database. Retrieved from
6. European Commission. (n. d.). Jobseeker wizard. Retrieved from
7. European Commission. (n. d.). Generic names of professions. Retrieved from
8. European Commission. (n. d.). Statistics. Retrieved from
9. European Commission. (n. d.). Additional resources. Retrieved from
10. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2019). On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the improvement of educational activities in the field of higher education (Act No. 392-IX, December 18). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
11. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2014). On higher education (Act No. 1556-VII, July 1). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
12. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2020). On approval of the list of specialties, obtaining a degree in which is necessary for access to professions for which additional regulation has been introduced (Order No. 673, May 22). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
13. SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics». (2023). Developing an indicative layout of the Register of Regulated Professions, Positions and Professional Titles of Work, which, among other things, require higher and specialized postgraduate education. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
14. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2021). On approval of the procedure for awarding and confirming professional qualifications by qualification centers (Resolution No. 956, September 15). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
15. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2017). On education (Act No. 2145-VIII, September 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
16. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. (2013). License conditions for professional activities in the stock market (securities market) – securities trading activities. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
17. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. (2013). License conditions for conducting professional activities in the stock market (securities market) – depository activities and clearing activities. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
18. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine. (2013). License conditions for conducting professional activities in the stock market (securities market) – activities for organizing trade in the stock market. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
19. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2000). On approving the lists of positions and specialties of personnel for the operation of nuclear facilities, whose training is subject to licensing, and positions of personnel directly involved in the management of a reactor facility (Resolution No. 1683, November 8). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
20. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2015). On approval of the license conditions for security activities (Resolution No. 960, November 18). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
21. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2002). On approval of the lists of healthcare institutions, medical positions, pharmacist positions, positions of specialists with pharmaceutical education, positions of healthcare professionals, positions of healthcare specialists and positions of professionals with higher non-medical education in healthcare institutions (Order No. 385, October 28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
22. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2002). Handbook of qualification characteristics of employee professions (Order No. 117, March 29). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
23. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2019). On approval of the procedure for certification of doctors: Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 dated 22.02.2019 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1753 dated 18.08.2021) (Order No. 446, February 22). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
24. Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2022). On the peculiarities of certification of healthcare workers and extension of the validity of specialist certificates and certificates of qualification category during the period of martial law (Order No. 1415, August 4). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
25. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2011). Some issues of professional certification of performers of certain types of works (services) related to the creation of architectural objects (Resolution No. 554, May 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
26. Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. (2021). On the certification of land surveyors and engineers (Order No. 317, October 27). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
27. Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine. (2012). On approval of the rules for certification of non-destructive testing specialists (Order No. 1387, December 10). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
28. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2012). On the bar and the practice of law (Act No. 5076-VI, July 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
29. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2011). On approval of the regulation on the Higher Qualification Commission of Notaries (Resolution No. 923, August 31). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
30. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1993). On notary public (Act No. 3425-XII, September 2). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
31. State Aviation Administration of Ukraine. (2019). On approval of the aviation rules of Ukraine “Maintenance of airworthiness of aircraft and aircraft products, components and equipment and approval of organizations and personnel involved in the performance of these tasks” (Order No. 286, March 6). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
32. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1993). On audit activities (Act No. 3125-XII, April 22). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
33. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (1993). On approval of the regulation on the procedure for issuing driver’s licenses and allowing citizens to drive vehicles (Resolution No. 340, August 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
34. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. (2018). On approval of the instruction on the organization of dog training in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (Order No. 340, March 26). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
35. All-Ukrainian public organization “Parachuting Federation of Ukraine”. (2019). Regulations on the Ukrainian skydiver’s license (Protocol No. 19/08/02, August 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
36. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (1994). On approval of the regulation on the procedure for issuing certificates of tractor drivers (Resolution No. 217, April 2). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
37. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2013). On approval of the procedure for certification of emergency services and rescuers (Resolution No. 828, November 13). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
38. State Veterinary Service of Ukraine. (2009). On approval of the regulation on the procedure for certification of veterinary medicine specialists of state institutions (Order No. 321, September 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
39. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1992). On veterinary medicine (Act No. 2498-XII, June 25). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
40. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2022). Some issues of assignment of ranks to officers of seagoing vessels (Resolution No. 1499, December 30). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
41. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1978). International convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978 (International document, July 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
42. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1995). International convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for fishing vessel personnel, 1995 (International document, July 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
43. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (1995). The Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine (Code No. 176/95‑BP, May 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
44. Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. (2018). On approval of the sample and description of the certificate of confirmation of professional competence in the relevant field of state registration (Order No. 4145/5, December 29). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
45. National Commission on Securities and Stock Market of Ukraine. (2013). On approval of the regulation on certification of specialists in capital markets and organized commodity markets (Decision No. 1464, August 13). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
46. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2018). Some issues of professional certification in the profession of “manager (head) of a residential building (group of buildings)” (Resolution No. 1010, November 28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
47. Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. (2013). On approval of the procedure for assigning qualification categories to sports referees (Order No. 31, July 16). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
48. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2000). On approval of the list of positions of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers (Resolution No. 963, June 14). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
49. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2015). On civil service (Act No. 889-VIII, December 10). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
50. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2001). On service in local government (Act No. 2493-III, June 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
51. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2018). On diplomatic service (Act No. 2449-VIII, June 7). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
52. Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine. (1998). On approval of the rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations (Order No. 4, January 9). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
53. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2001). On approving the list of professions, industries and organizations whose employees are subject to mandatory preventive medical examinations, the procedure for conducting these examinations and issuing personal medical books (Resolution No. 559, May 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
54. Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State Committee of Ukraine for Supervision of Labor Protection. (1994). On approval of the list of works where professional selection is required (Order No. 263/121, September 23). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
55. State Committee of Ukraine on Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Mining Supervision. (2006). On approval of the rules for labor protection during work on board fishing vessels (Order No. 26, December 27). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].