
Hanna Tereshchenko
Valentyna Tkachenko


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article analyzes the “New Ukrainian School” (NUS), a significant educational reform, in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. It provides a retrospective analysis of the transformational changes in the general secondary education system from Ukraine’s declaration of independence to the present. The main directions of the reform are outlined, particularly at the institutional and legal framework levels. The authors have noted the success of the NUS reform, as demonstrated by a number of monitoring studies conducted by the SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics”. However, the authors also identify challenges in implementing the NUS reform during the pre-war and war periods of education development in Ukraine. During the pre-war period, the main issues were inadequate teacher training, resistance to NUS conceptual innovations, insufficient logistical and financial support, lack of support at the local government level, and problems with standardizing student assessment. The full-scale invasion significantly complicated the implementation of the reform in terms of its financial support. Furthermore, the implementation of the NUS reform during the wartime period faced several challenges, including ensuring the safety of participants in the educational process, providing access to education, and a decrease in the quality of education. A study compared Ukraine’s secondary education system reform with that of the European Union and found that Ukraine’s transformational processes in general secondary education align with the European educational reform direction. The article discusses the key tasks for developing Ukrainian education in the post-war period, with a particular emphasis on implementing the NUS reform.
Keywords: education system of Ukraine, martial law, organization of the educational process during the war, analytical and information support for the education sector.

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