Valentyna Gapon
Mariia Sharaievska
Tetiana Derepa
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The education of children with special educational needs (SEN) is one of the priority areas for the development of modern education in Ukraine. The article analyses the indicators of accessibility of general secondary education for persons with SEN in accordance with the National Strategy for Creating a Barrier-Free Environment in Ukraine. The article presents data on the status of special and inclusive education for the period of 2014/2015-2023/2024 on the basis of official statistical reporting, identifies trends, key achievements and possible challenges to the implementation of the goals of the Strategy. The legal framework in the field of inclusive and special education was examined. Proposals for improving the statistical forms for the formation of indicators of access to general secondary education for persons with SEN were substantiated, which requires further analysis of the compatibility of these indicators with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), performance indicators of the National Strategy for the Development of Inclusive Education for 2023-2030 and reporting indicators of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), etc. The article also deals with the issue of allocation of subventions from the State budget to local budgets for providing state support to persons with SEN in 2024. It is proposed that in order to calculate the performance indicator in reports on the use of these funds, the number of pupils with SEN, including persons with disabilities who received additional services at the expense of this subvention, should be allocated. The relevance of the article’s topic is due to the increased attention and demand of society on the need to include persons with SEN in the educational process and to provide them with quality educational services.
Keywords: person with special educational needs, inclusive education, inclusive classes, special classes, special institutions, educational and rehabilitation centres, performance indicators, subvention.
Keywords: person with special educational needs, inclusive education, inclusive classes, special classes, special institutions, educational and rehabilitation centres, performance indicators, subvention.
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4. Kefallinou, A., Symeonidou, S., & Meijer, C. J. W. (2020). Understanding the value of inclusive education and its implementation: A review of the literature. Prospects, 49, 135-152. DOI:
5. Kefallinou, А., Kyriazopoulou, М., Ebersold, S., Skoglund, P., Rebollo Píriz, E., & Lučić Wichmann, М. (Eds.). (2022). Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education: Final Synthesis Report. European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. Retrieved from
6. Yarmola, N. (2023). On the results of the fundamental research “Scientific and theoretical foundations of modeling inclusive educational environment” carried out at the Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine. Herald of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 5(2), 1-8. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
7. Kolupaieva, A. A., & Taranchenko, O. M. (2016). Inclusive education: from basics to practice. Kyiv: TOV “ATOPOL”. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
8. Sak, Т. (2017). Organization for teaching of students with mental retardation of different psychological and pedagogical types. Exceptional child: teaching and upbringing, 1, 13-20. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
9. Yarmola, N. A., & Torop, K. S. (2021). The system-forming role of competence in the organization of the scientific process for children with special needs. Scientific magazine of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 40, 99-106. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
10. Sofii, N. Z. , & Naida, Yu. M. (Eds.). (2019). Inclusive education: informational manual for teachers of general secondary education institutions. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
11. Lytvynchuk, А., Tereshchenko, H., Kyrianov, А., & Gaiduk, І. (2021). Improvement of information support for the functioning of the inclusive education system. Educational Analytics of Ukraine, 2(13), 82-92. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
12. SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics”. (2024). Data on general secondary education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, other Ministries, authorities and private institutions (2023/2024 academic year). Kyiv. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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14. SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics”. (2024). Data on facilities and modern information technologies usage in general secondary education institutions (without special general secondary education institutions) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, other Ministries and authorities and private institutions (2023/2024 academic year). Kyiv. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
15. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2021). On approval of reporting forms on the activities of general secondary education institutions and instructions for their completion (Order No. 868, July 30). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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17. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2018). On approval of the reporting form on the number and composition of pedagogical staff of general secondary education institutions and instructions for its completion (Order No. 937, August 27). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
18. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2024). Some issues of using the subvention from the state budget to local budgets to provide state support to persons with special educational needs in 2024 (Decree No. 396, April 9). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].