
Maryna Lyesnikova


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The educational process and the acquisition of key competencies and skills during training ensure that vocational education and training (VET) students meet employers’ requirements. Despite the state of war in Ukraine, the demand for workers in the labour market remains quite high. The purpose of the article is to analyse the relationship between some components of the educational process and learning conditions with the employment of VET graduates. For this, the results of the monitoring study of career trajectories of VET graduates were used, which was conducted by means of a survey during October-November 2023. The conducted analysis showed that among the surveyed graduates, who at the time of the survey worked in the profession acquired in a VET institution, the vast majority (87.4% of the respondents) used and constantly use the knowledge and skills they acquired during their studies in their work. The results of the factor analysis indicated that for graduates who were employed in their respective fields at the time of the survey, the most significant was the educational process (group classes, e-learning through electronic resources (textbooks), theoretical, practical, and individual classes, etc.), the components of which they had enough during their studies. Also, for the surveyed graduates, the connection between theory and practice and industrial training is important, which, according to their estimates, was very useful during their studies. However, the surveyed graduates did not consider the study conditions (such as the learning materials, the availability of necessary technical equipment, the condition of the facilities, the accommodation provided, the balanced nutrition, and the scholarship amount) to be significant. The direction of further research is conducting a survey of employers and VET graduates, which will allow a comprehensive assessment of the compliance of the graduates with the needs of the labour market and their professional implementation.
Keywords: vocational education and training (VET), graduate of a VET institution, profession, educational process, employment, quality of acquired knowledge and skills.

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