Alla Samko
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of motivation in the self-educational activity of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions (HEIs). It is noted that self-educational activity is a prerequisite for the professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff of such institutions. The characteristic features of self-educational activity are outlined, one of which is the presence of professional motivation. The essence of motivation is described as a driving force and a system of factors that determine the behaviour of a specialist (needs, aspirations, motives, goals, intentions, attitudes, efforts, ideals, etc.). The article highlights the main theories of motivation that identify the key factors influencing the motivation of specialists in their professional activities. A classification of motivational factors is presented, showing the complexity and diversity of motives. The relationship between professional activity and motivation is indicated, and it is found that motivation for self-education is a complex, multi-component psychological construct that encompasses a set of interrelated motives for professional activity, achievement, professional growth and personal development. The role of the motivational component in the process of self-education of scientific and pedagogical staff of HEIs is identified, which consists of stimulating them to continuous professional development and improvement. The main characteristics, indicators and functions of the motivational sphere are outlined. It is stated that a developed, stable and conscious motivation is an important condition for the effective self-education of scientific and pedagogical staff of HEIs. It is concluded that positive internal motivation for professional activity significantly increases the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction and creates favourable conditions for the self-realisation of teachers in their professional activity.
Keywords: motivation, self-education, scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions, motivational factors, motivation for professional activity, professional self-realisation.
Keywords: motivation, self-education, scientific and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions, motivational factors, motivation for professional activity, professional self-realisation.
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2. Kupchak, M., & Samilo, A. (2020). Professional motivation as an internal factor of the professionalism development of the future manager. Bulletin of Lviv State University of Life Safety, 21, 107-112. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
3. Polishchuk, O. M. (2022). Motivation and its resources in the educational space. The influence of the communicative and information space on the psychological characteristics and personal resources of a person in the conditions of destabilizing factors on society, 227-252. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
4. Tadeyeva, T. V. (2012). Dicey-Ryan’s theory of self-determination and educational motivation. Scientific Notes of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy, 3, 213-221. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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6. Myronchuk, N. M. (2018). Self-motivation as a component of teacher’s self-organisation in professional activity. Problems of education, 88(2), 65-74. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
7. Nevmerzhytska, O., & Pahuta, M. (2018). Self-educationof future specialistsin the conditions of the informational society. Modern information technologies and innovation methodologies of education in professional training: methodology, theory, experience, problems, 52, 360-363. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
8. Absaliamova, Ya. V. (2014). Motivation as the main factor of professional self-realisation of a foreign language teacher at a technical university. International Scientific Herald, 8(27), 73-80. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
9. Baida, I., Mironov, V., & Miatenko, N. (2022). Motivation for self-learning as a condition for the professional competencies formation. Digital Platform: Information Technologies in Sociocultural Sphere, 5(1), 17-30. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
10. Levchenko, T. (2014). Self-development of the subject in the educational process. Theoretical issues of culture, education and upbringing, 50, 11-15. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
11. Kasiiants, S. (2013). Formation of the motivational component of self-educational competence of future economists. Scientific works of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy complex. Series: Pedagogy, 215(203), 117-120. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
12. Myronchuk, N. M. (2020). Basics of self-organisation in professional activity. Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr State University named after I. Franko. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].