
Liudmyla Chymbay
Larysa Popkova


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the changes taking place in the higher education system and their impact on the training of specialists in all forms of education. The authors analyse the legislative and regulatory framework governing the application of new mechanisms for the payment of tuition fees through state grants, the possibility for applicants to create an individual educational trajectory, and the preferential conditions for admission to specialties supported by the state. The authors have studied a number of scientific sources on the subject matter. The article presents the results of the analysis of the network of higher education institutions (HEIs) operating in the academic years 2014/2015–2023/2024, which showed a decrease in their number during the study period. The study was conducted on the basis of information from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, data from the software and technological complex “Admission and Graduation Volumes of Applicants by Higher Education Institutions in 2024”, which contains state order indicators for institutions managed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU), and open source data. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the volumes of state orders for the training of specialists with higher education, as approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2024 and 2023, which revealed an overall decrease in budget places for bachelor’s degrees (by 12.88%), alongside a significant increase in certain specialities which are in demand during the war and post-war recovery. The article also provides data on the number of applications and recommendations for admission to a bachelor’s degree in 2024. These data are not final and may change in the process of adjustment by the MESU.
Keywords: admission campaign, higher education institutions, state grant, individual educational trajectory, state order, field of knowledge.

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