
Tatiana Posnova
Hanna Tereshchenko


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. Nowadays in Ukraine the problem of educational training of IT specialists is relevant as a factor of the formation of creative human capital. The problem of IT education development is one of the key tasks in the process of ensuring the growth of creative industries, the contribution of which can be assessed by their share in GDP, value added, number of jobs, export potential and foreign exchange inflows. The article uses general scientific research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction and statistical method. The purpose of the article is to assess the development of IT education, identify issues and assess prospects for the formation of a creative economy. The article analyzes the Creative outputs of European countries in 2020; the analysis includes the dynamics of growth of the number of IT specialists in Ukraine for 2014-2020; the share of IT specialists in the general structure of employment, the level of formation of mathematical literacy of students in Ukraine against the background of the achievements of their peers in the OECD countries; regional data on the results of the participants in the external independent assessment in mathematics; the number of people who graduated in IT and mathematics. Based on the analysis, the main directions of the development of IT education as a factor of the formation of creative human capital were identified. Conclusions are made on the directions of the development of IT education as a factor of the formation of creative human capital, including the following: increasing funding for training of IT specialists, as well as broad involvement of students in research, which will ensure the development of innovative competencies of future graduates; increasing the mathematical competencies of general secondary school students; ensuring the ability of higher education institutions to train such specialists who meet the requirements of the labor market; creation of innovative business universities, which, in turn, will provide an opportunity to respond quickly to the needs of the IT sector; ensuring stable cooperation with leading IT companies, which will help adapt educational programs to the needs of the creative IT industry.
Keywords: creative economy, creative human capital, IT industry, IT education.

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