Andrii Lytvynchuk
Andrii Kyrianov
Ivan Gaiduk
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The aim of the article is to develop and improve the existing methodological approaches to custom programming of the information system AS «IRC» in the segment of inclusive education. The extended goals for the AS «IRC» functioning are provided, including the creation of digital lists of specialists, evidentiary information database for management decisions, information and telecommunication support, common information infrastructure for obtaining, processing and generating information, comprehensive information protection in the field of inclusive education, etc. It is noted that the AS «IRC» is managed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and a range of measures taken by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to improve the functioning of the system was presented. The functional responsibilities of SSI «IEA» in relation to the administration of the AS «IRC» are analyzed. Local administrators of the AS «IRC» are the officials of local education management bodies, their structural subdivisions and officials of the inclusive resource centers. The users of the AS «IRC» include officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and its structural subdivisions, institutions and organizations belonging to the sphere of management; inclusive resource centers; local education management bodies and educational institutions subordinated to them; other users who have been granted the right to access information in this system in the prescribed manner. The requirements to the users of the AS «IRC» are analyzed and the criteria of system operation reliability are grouped. The list of actions performed by the complex system of information protection in the AS «IRC» is given. Conclusions are made about the need to expand the functionality of the information system the AS «IRC» and optimize the e-data collection of reporting forms in the segment of inclusive education.
Keywords: inclusive education, inclusive resource centers, information system, databases, educational institutions, automated system of inclusive resource centers, children with special educational needs.
Keywords: inclusive education, inclusive resource centers, information system, databases, educational institutions, automated system of inclusive resource centers, children with special educational needs.
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2. Hurwitz, S., Perry, B., Cohen, E. D., & Skiba, R. (2020). Special Education and Individualized Academic Growth: A Longitudinal Assessment of Outcomes for Students with Disabilities. American Educational Research Journal, 57(2), 576-611.
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