
Оlha Yeromenko


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article deals with the topical issue of adaptive training of managerial staff. The author defines the conceptual principles for the adaptive system of professional masters’ training in educational institution management. The set of competencies sufficient for the effective performance of innovative tasks of the relevant level of professional management activity in a modern market and information-intensive space has been revealed. The goals and objectives of the masters’ training have been described. It is argued that the transition to an adaptive system of professional masters’ training in educational institution management aimed at timely changes in the purpose, content, methods, forms, means, technology, subject-subject interaction, educational environment, etc. can provide effective and qualitative changes. Reflecting on the activation of adaptive processes in education, the author assumes that the purpose of adaptation should be to ensure the autonomy, self-reliance, and independence of the actions of the educational process participants in the awareness and appropriation of external environment or requirements, the change of which causes adaptation in education. The outcome of adaptation should be purposive self-organization and self-education of a master student within the socially meaningful coherent goal. The article describes the basic concepts characterizing the adaptive system of professional masters’ training in educational institution management. It is stated that the principle of personal approach has formed the basis of the system. The time for independent work increases significantly. A master student takes an active part in organizing the learning process. Adaptive technologies are a powerful tool in the preparation of masters, which allows adhering to the optimal balance between the capabilities of students and the external conditions of the educational environment, to take into account feedback and make joint decisions. In the process of dialogue with the teacher, an individual adaptive scenario of master’s training is developed. On its basis, the opinions are coordinated and the direction of self-development and self-organization of the master student is determined.
Keywords: supervisor, management, master’s training, competence, training system, adaptation, conceptual principles.

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