
Oksana Denysiuk
Nataliia Tytarenko


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. Since September 2018, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School has been introduced in the Ukrainian primary schools. Forming a competent personality is a major element of general secondary education reform that begins in primary school. As part of the implementation of the Concept, modern learning approaches determine the development of a person capable of adapting to the modern life realities and encourage teachers to seek and apply best practices in didactics and teaching methods. At this time, managers who develop the reform concept and manage its implementation are faced with the question of the relevance of their plans and the real situation in educational institutions. In order to answer these and many other questions, the monitoring “Research on the readiness of teaching staff to implement the Concept of the New Ukrainian School” is conducted. The article examines the results of the second phase of monitoring conducted in October-November 2019. The purpose of this study phase was to assess the level of readiness for teaching according to the new state standard of primary education for both educational institutions and primary school teachers. The survey respondents were teachers of grades 1 and 2. In addition, the statistical data of the study on teachers of 1st grade conducted in the 2018/2019 school year were used. This year they were surveyed as teachers of 2nd grade. Therefore, three sets of statistics were taken for analysis. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, the authors choose surveying as an information gathering method, namely an online survey, which allowed the survey to be conducted remotely and promptly. To process and analyse the statistical data, comparative and factor analysis were used among others. This made it possible to identify the dynamics in the change of teachers activity in the first and second years of the reform of the New Ukrainian School implementation, as well as to identify the factors influencing the readiness of the subjects of the educational activity (educational institution, teacher) to implement the reform. The analytical materials prepared on the basis of the results of the analysis of the accumulated statistics included the conclusions on the readiness of primary schools and teachers to act according to the new State standard of primary education. Based on the findings, recommendations were made for education managers of different levels for the qualitative implementation of the New Ukrainian School reform.
Keywords: New Ukrainian School, education reform, competency approach, Concept, teacher activity.

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