Nataliya Pavlyк
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article is devoted to establishing the regularities of the impact of a teacher’s psychological health on his/her readiness for creative professional activity. The author identifies the structure of psychological health and the psychological readiness of teachers for professional activity. Psychological health is defined as a multi-level formation that represents a harmonious state of the individual, based on the balance between the spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, volitional and bodily substructures of the personality, as well as harmony between the individual and the world. The structure of psychological health is represented by a hierarchy of spiritual-semantic, social, mental and psychosomatic components. The psychological readiness of a teacher is a psychological quality based on the unity of pedagogical motivation and pedagogical abilities. The components of psychological readiness are: value-motivational, moral-communicative, creative-cognitive and emotional-volitional. The article describes the features of the state of psychological health and psychological readiness of modern teachers of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). The study revealed that 70% of the NUS teachers have a high level of psychological readiness for creative pedagogical activity. However, 17% of them have a low level of psychological health. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, the author established the patterns of the impact of the state of psychological health of teachers on their readiness for professional creativity. The results of this survey pointed to the following: the higher the level of psychological health of a person, the more pronounced his/her psychological readiness for pedagogical activity; the lower the level of psychological health, the less capable the teacher is of professional and pedagogical creativity. An important factor of development in a teacher’s psychological readiness is the flexibility of thinking and a positive emotional state. The researcher has experimentally proved that the psychological health of a teacher is the basis for the effectiveness of his/her professional activity.
Keywords: psychological health of the personality, psychological readiness, professional and pedagogical activities, psychological regularities.
Keywords: psychological health of the personality, psychological readiness, professional and pedagogical activities, psychological regularities.
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2. Pavlyk, N. (2021). Psychological readyness of the personality of the modern teacher to creative professional activity in the conditions of the New Ukrainian school. Psychology and personality, 2(20), 200-227. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
3. Huzii, N. V. (Ed.). (2000). Pedagogical creativity and mastery: a textbook. Kyiv: IZMN [in Ukrainian].
4. Blustein, D. L. (2008). The role of work in psychological health and well-being: a conceptual, historical, and public policy perspective. American Psychologist, 63(4), 228-240. DOI:
5. Kostiuk, D. & Kostiuk, V. (2018). Psychological and psychological health of personality: concept, content and criteria. Visnyk National Defence Unuversity of Ukraine, 2(50), 45-50 DOI: [in Ukrainian].
6. Pavlyk, N. (2022). The structure and criteria of psychological health of personality. Psychology and personality, 1(21), 34-59. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
7. Arslan, G., Yıldırım, M., & Wong, p. T. P. (2020). Meaningful Living, Resilience, Affective Balance, and Psychological Health Problems during COVID-19. DOI:
8. Pavlyk, N. (2021). The рsychodiagnostic methods for studying the harmony of the psychological health of a personality. Psychological health, 1(6), 63-75. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
9. Pavlyk, N. (2021). Regularities of the influence of a teacher’s psychological health on his psychological readiness for professional activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological health, 2(7), 69-83. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
10. Pavlyk, N. (2022). Psychological health of a teacher of New Ukrainian School as a factor of his psychological readyness for professional activity. Actual problems in the system of education: general secondary education institution – pre-university training – higher education institution, 2, 641–654. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
11. Pavlyk, N. (2021). Patterns of influence of the psychological health of the teacher of the National Academy of Sciences on his psychological readiness for professional and pedagogical activity. Vocational guidance: status and development prospects, 85-94. Kyiv: Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the NAES of Ukraine. Retrieved from–perspektivi-rozvitku-2021-zbirnik-tez/ [in Ukrainian].