Oksana Denysiuk
Nataliia Tytarenko
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The concept of reforming general secondary education «New Ukrainian School» defines a number of components that focus on the activities of a contemporary teacher, namely: a motivated teacher who has freedom for creativity and professional development. This component draws attention to the need for the teachers to constantly improve their professional level. This involves improving the competencies acquired during professional higher / pre-higher education and obtaining new competencies, required due to the development of society and modernization of education. Thus, society currently expects teachers to understand the four components of the educational process: what to teach; whom to teach; how to teach and how those who are taught learn. Society’s expectations become reality through the changes caused by the reform of the general secondary education, namely in relation to postgraduate pedagogical education of teachers. The article considers the definition of «postgraduate pedagogical education» and the transformation of approaches to its implementation in regulations, for example, the Procedure for in-service training states that the teacher can choose at their discretion the types and areas of in-service training and service providers for advanced training. To investigate how the teachers use the opportunities provided by the state to improve their professional level, the SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics» has been monitoring the process of implementing the reform of the New Ukrainian School for three years in a row. The group of questions in the questionnaires for teachers participating in the framework of the NUS reform concerned their professional development. The survey was conducted in May-June 2021 among a representative sample of teachers, involving 2217 respondents. The obtained statistics gave grounds to say that primary school teachers use the opportunities provided to them to improve their professional level, which indirectly indicates their desire to successfully implement the reform of the New Ukrainian School.
Keywords: educational indicators, general secondary education institution, monitoring, pedagogical worker, advanced training, statistical data.
Keywords: educational indicators, general secondary education institution, monitoring, pedagogical worker, advanced training, statistical data.
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4. Kozlakova, H. O. (Ed.). (2015). Conceptual principles of psychological and pedagogical training of a competitive specialist in the conditions of postgraduate pedagogical education: on a sample of scientific and pedagogical workers. Kyiv: DVNZ «Universytet menedzhmentu osvity» [in Ukrainian].
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7. Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. (2020). About the statement of the professional standard on professions “The teacher of initial classes of establishments of general secondary education”, “The teacher of establishment of general secondary education”, “The teacher on primary education (with the diploma of the junior specialist)” (Order No. 2736-20, December 23). Retrieved from https://nus.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Nakaz_2736.pdf [in Ukrainian].
8. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2020). Some issues of providing a subvention from the state budget to local budgets to provide quality, modern and affordable general secondary education “New Ukrainian School” in 2020 (Resolution No. 105, February 12). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/105-2020-%D0%BF#Text [in Ukrainian].
9. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2021). Some issues of providing a subvention from the state budget to local budgets to provide quality, modern and affordable general secondary education “New Ukrainian School” in 2021 (Resolution No. 476, May 17). Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/476-2021-%D0%BF#Text [in Ukrainian].
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11. Vozniuk, O. M. (n. d.). Postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine as an important part of professional development, development and competence growth of teachers in accordance with the requirements of state policy in the field of education. Retrieved from http://zippo.net.ua/data/files/2017/kaf_psihol/metod_rob/2017.03.10/a1.pdf [in Ukrainian].
12. SSI «Institute of Educational Analytics». (2021). Nationwide monitoring study of NUS reform implementation. Retrieved from https://iea.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ZVIT_VPROVADZHENNYA_NUSH_21_dlya-sajtu.pdf [in Ukrainian].