
Oksana Denysiuk
Nataliia Tytarenko


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. A critical and objective approach to the process of reforming general secondary education will help to minimize risks and address the acute problems facing education in the process of its reform. In turn, major changes in the educational sector require constant monitoring and analysis of its progress. For this purpose, the SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics” with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine monitors the introduction of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) in different directions. This allows the analysis of possible risks and potential challenges encountered in the NUS reform implementation. We consider risk as the possibility of occurrence/non-occurrence of an adverse result, which is a potential threat of the realization of a situation with negative consequences, inter alia, detriment of the human individual, society, state. In general, “educational” risks can be divided into the following: mental, economic, social, public, managerial (that concern the directors of educational institutions). Risk specification was carried out by us based on collected statistical data from monitoring studies carried out by the SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics” during 2017-2021 with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The results of the research have made it possible to identify such risk factors as the establishment’s interaction with the parents of students as a component of the NUS. It was found that a child’s success over three years remained the main topic of communication between the teacher and the parents of the students. In particular, most parents (82,5 %) choose their children’s academic performance and behavior as the topic for interaction with the teacher. The next challenge is the digitalization of education. Thus, more than 50,0 % of rural school teachers noted a decrease in the level of student achievement, which is explained by the higher percentage of parents of students (22,5 %) who consider it risky to continue distance learning in the next 2021/2022 а.y.
Keywords: risk factors, general secondary education institution, monitoring, education reform.

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