
Valentyna Litynska


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The relevance of planning the career development of employees of higher education institutions lies in the fact that human resources administration is becoming increasingly important in the management of personnel of educational institutions. This is a process of analyzing and developing the personal interests of employees, which means that much of the attention should be given to the career planning of employees and becomes one of the most important tasks of the human resources department. Career planning programs for employees are at the forefront, which in turn contributes to the professional development and enhancement of the working potential of the institution’s staff. The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of career planning for employees of higher education institutions. The aim of the study is to determine the methodological basis for career planning of employees of higher education institutions and to build a career planning model for them. In particular, the existing approaches to the disclosure of the essence of the concept of “career planning” are characterized and the author’s approach to the interpretation of this concept is proposed. The article also describes the existing methods of career planning for staff. The article pays the greatest attention to the author’s model of step-by-step career planning of higher education institutions employees, which consists of six consecutive stages. Also, the attention is focused on the fact that in order to determine the effectiveness of the formation and use of the labor potential of higher education institutions, it is necessary to assess the professional, business and personal qualities of employees. The prospect of further scientific research in this direction is the development of an effective model for assessing the professional, business and personal qualities of the higher education staff.
Keywords: working career, planning, personnel, methodology, model, higher education institutions.

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