
Tatiana Daragan
Oksana Vlasyuk


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article examines the stages of implementation of the main aspects of university autonomy, in particular the organization of student governance in domestic higher education institutions. It is necessary to realize that the creation of effective student government is a key condition for building a domestic system of higher education in accordance with the best practices of the European educational space. It is determined that in the process of restructuring higher education through the formation of university autonomy, students should be considered as a full partner in the process of modernization of the domestic higher education system. It is established that the work of student government should significantly expand its scope and be more active in developing key issues of organization and content of university education. The main points of formation of student self-governance in Ukrainian HEIs are determined and a comparative analysis of the key principles under which European universities operate is carried out. The authors analyzed the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», in particular in terms of organizing the work of student government. The main issues of student self-governance, which are reflected in the statutes of higher education institutions, are summarized. The article shows the results of the study conducted during the research «Implementation of university autonomy in the context of decentralization of HEIs, the democratization of the educational process, increasing responsibility for the quality of education». The stance of the students to the process of the autonomy of educational institutions in general is studied. The information on the respondents’ awareness of the regulatory framework is summarized. The degree of activity of student self-government bodies in solving issues of improving the educational process is analyzed. The proposals of the participants of the online survey on the next stages of activity for the successful implementation of university autonomy have been studied.
Keywords: student self-governance, student government, applicants for higher education, university autonomy, educational process, management of educational institution, social activity, managerial abilities.

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