
Olena Dashkovska
Vitaliy Pogrebnyak


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. This publication summarizes the results of applied scientific work carried out in the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization” (IECM) during 2016-2022. The article studies the state of implementation of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, focused on the modernization of domestic higher education, and assesses the European integration orientation of the measures and tools introduced. The results of a comprehensive study of all components of the higher education system are highlighted. In particular, the dynamics of changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the network of educational institutions and contingents of participants in the educational process, the modernization of the structure of higher education and the methodology for forming the content of education were analyzed (introduction of modern levels and degrees, list of specialities, introduction of new standards and educational programs). The article evaluates the process of solving the key educational problem – creation of a transparent and effective system of higher education quality, including the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA). The paper analyses changes and additions made to the legislative base, its target orientation and the validity of some of them. It has been established that in the process of implementation of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, which were also changed during its operation, an integral system of higher education and a system of ensuring the quality of educational services were built in the higher education system of Ukraine. It has been concluded that all of this makes domestic higher education more competitive in the international market of educational services and the labor market, bringing it closer to European quality standards, and speeding up the process of integration into the European educational space of higher education.
Keywords: modernization, system, implementation, quality of higher education, European integration, competitiveness.

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