
Victoriia Vorona


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. An analysis of the main problem of the effectiveness of educational activities of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Ukraine and the influence of international and national legal institutions, which should become the methodological basis for higher education is carried out. The study of the normative-legal regulations governing the educational activities of the HEIs of Ukraine and their compliance with the requirements of the modern economy showed that the domestic regulations do not contain clear norms measuring the results of their activities. The institutions that regulate and influence the educational activities of the HEIs are mentioned. They include System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA, 2008), Methodology of National Education Accounts (UNESCO, 2016) Classification of Institutional Sectors of the Economy (CISE), whose norms should become binding and should be reflected in Ukrainian legislation in the field of higher education. The attention is focused on the latest scientific publications and recommendations, i.e. “Economic relations in the system of higher education: Modernization in the conditions of the innovative economy: monograph” and “Mechanisms for extending financial autonomy of higher education institutions of Ukraine: collective monograph”. This is confirmed by the challenges of a systematic approach to the problems of the regulatory and legal regulation of the effectiveness of educational activities in the context of university autonomy and should be addressed by the HEI monitoring system (internal indicators of efficiency). The role of higher education services and innovations in higher education perception of the efficiency (quality) of these services between the provider of higher education services (HEI) and the consumer of higher education services (applicant for higher education) is emphasized in the article. The study does not purport to be a final solution to the problems, but still requires formulation, comparison and interaction with international institutions, which should be reflected in Ukrainian legislation in the field of higher education. The list of measures proposed by the author, consisting of a change in the organizational and legal status of the Ukrainian HEIs in accordance with the requirements and provisions of international and national institutions of the modern economy, will promote to regulate the effectiveness of the educational activities of the HEIs and help to achieve their autonomy.
Keywords: classification of institutional sectors of the economy, regulations in higher education, normative-legal regulation of the effectiveness of educational activities, System of national accounts 2008.

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