Anna Ziętek
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Language: English
Abstract. The article presents a concept of social approach towards individual support for persons with disabilities, which aims at levelling their opportunities in social and professional life. It suggests the introduction of tasks related to vocational activation and availability through co-operation and support in such areas as education, employment and social welfare system. It is pointed out that the implementation of changes and improvement of vocational education will enable persons with disabilities to prepare and adapt to employment and social life. The article presents solutions for improving the cooperation of individuals and supporting organizations in performing tasks involving employment and integration in the local community. The cooperation of parties involved and local integration is a significant element in the suggested model which is to improve the process of employment and activity of disabled persons. The article indicates the need to introduce more flexibility in the process of vocational preparation with the labour market and to increase the level of awareness of individual problems persons with disabilities face. It shows that introducing changes and improving existing solutions related to the system will increase the participation of persons with disabilities in professional and social life. The article presents a model solution of vocational education adjusted to persons with disabilities, taking into account patronage specialist workshops. It suggests implementing an additional career counselling subject in the curriculum, which by achieving objectives and carrying out teaching contents, would enable persons with disabilities to create individual career development plans. Persons with disabilities, being the subject of the functioning of schools and workplaces, should have the possibility of self-fulfilment and fulfilment of their vocational development. Vocational preparation of persons with disabilities requires strengthening with new elements and activities. It requires the implementation of solutions in the field of assistance and availability as well as support based on the individual needs of persons with disabilities, which will increase employment and activity in the labour market.
Keywords: persons with disabilities, education services, social assistance, vocational preparation, needs of persons with disabilities, career counsellor.
Keywords: persons with disabilities, education services, social assistance, vocational preparation, needs of persons with disabilities, career counsellor.
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