HAPON Valentyna


Abstract. The article deals with the main methodological principles of economic and mathematical modelling for the creation of a system for the establishment of general secondary education at the state and regional levels. It is determined that the main tasks in the field of modernization of the education management system and the assessment of educational activities are the modernization and updating of the educational statistics system, the creation and implementation of automated informational and analytical management systems, the development of modern software and technological means for the evaluation and rating of educational activities at different levels of management, providing the population, authorities, educational institutions with reliable information regarding conditions and perfor­mance of functioning of education system at its various levels. In order to compare the current state and to define trends of secondary education, the methodological principles of assessment informational model of comprehensive evaluation and comparative analysis of activities in different regions have been developed. To describe the evaluation system of secondary education, multidimensional and multicriteria models have been selected, the following elements of its structure like a network of secondary schools, quality indicators of students’ contingent, quality of teaching staff, educational and artistic achievements of students, international activities, material and technical base, social and resource support have been identified and studied. It is proved that the problem of evaluating the secondary education efficiency in the theoretical aspect is solved by defining indicators and criteria that can describe this system but in practice it is the development of procedures and tools (information, software, mathematical, technical, organizational) that can quantify the state of the system functioning and determine the prospects for its development. The indicators of the forms of statistical reporting which fully describe the system of secondary education have been studied while developing the system of indicators and creating databases for educational activities evaluation of different regions. Based on the survey there are suggested models of evaluating the second education effectiveness, mathematical approach to calculating the integrated indicator system of absolute and estimates, analytical tables with integrated index rating for thematic activities of different regions in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 academic years. Later researches have planned to settle national educational indi­cators in the regions and to conduct comparative analysis of estimated new integrated assessment on the basis of factual information.

 Keywords: general secondary education, economic and mathematical modelling, information models, evaluation systems.


JEL classification: C52, I20, I21.
