
Valentyna Tkachenko
Tetiana Dron


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. This article considers innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process in primary school within the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian School, their role in the development of the child as a person, the importance of transforming the educational process during the reform. The purpose of this material is to review innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process in primary school during the concept implementation in the «New Ukrainian School» (hereinafter – the NUS) with emphasis on the personality-oriented model of education based on the child-centered principles; formation of universal values; structure of educational process and organization of the educational environment. Methods of scientific analysis and methods of texts research were applied to consider the features of the educational process in the conditions of educational system transformation. Among the key aspects of primary education, the ideology of a child-centered approach is considered as the basis of a personality-oriented model of education, within which the organization of the educational process should take into account the rights of each child, his abilities, needs and interests. The material also analyzed the updated structure of the educational process in primary school, in particular its division into two cycles of learning such as adaptive-game and basic, which is one of the ways to implement a personality-oriented model of learning. This distribution takes into account the age features of psychophysiological, cognitive development and needs of students. In the context of the New Ukrainian School, it is very important to create an educational environment, which should be creative and ensure the use of various forms of work, promote the development of students’ sustainable cognitive interest, its development should be coordinated efforts of all participants in the educational process. The results of research on key aspects of the NUS reform are also presented.
Keywords: child-centered approach, innovations, competencies, concept, New Ukrainian School, educational process, personality, approaches, primary education, values.

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