Maryna Lyesnikova
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The Education Management Information System (EMIS) in the TVET field is a system for collecting, storing, analysing, disseminating and using data in the TVET. The methodological framework for developing a system of indicators for the Education Management Information System (EMIS) in the TVET field should be guided by recognized world standards, guidelines and best practices. At the same time, it should be built on a consensus basis with national standards, which are the key to the generation and use of well-structured metadata in the TVET field. As an example of effectively functioning global Education Management Information System (EMIS) in the TVET field, the Open Education Management Information System (OpenEMIS), namely its OpenEMIS Concept Note module – TVET, the CTE National Reporting System and Workforce Training System – CTE Statistics, developed by the United States Institute of Education (IES) and published by Federico Mejer should be cited. The Interagency Vocational Education and Training Group (IAG-TVET), which includes global educational organizations, has developed guidelines for a set of indicators to help countries evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their TVET systems based on actual data and the use of reliable tools to evaluate TVET monitoring. IAG-TVET has identified four relevant policy areas in the TVET system: funding; access and participation; quality; relevance. Based on the recommendations of the above guidelines, the author has developed a system of indicators for the Education Management Information System (EMIS) in the field of TVET, which will be included in the form of the information and analytical unit “TVET System” in the Automated Information Complex of Educational Management (AICOM) of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Educational Analytics”. The system of indicators includes: the register of TVET institutions, the results of the admission campaign and training, teaching staff, logistics facilities, architectural accessibility, profitable economic activity, the creation of an innovative educational environment, the use of ICT in the educational process. The information and analytical unit “TVET System” should be institutionalized with databases of other official bodies of Ukraine, for example, with databases of the State Statistics Service, the State Employment Service etc. The data contained in the Information and Analytical Unit “TVET System” must be compatible with other international databases and allow the construction of international indicators in the TVET system.
Keywords: education management information system (EMIS), system of technical (vocational) education training, database, system of indicators, international indicators, statistical reporting, labour market.
Keywords: education management information system (EMIS), system of technical (vocational) education training, database, system of indicators, international indicators, statistical reporting, labour market.
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2. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2019). On the approval of the Concept of implementation of state policy in vocational (vocational-technical) education “Modern vocational (vocational- technical) education” for the period by 2027 (Resolution No. 419-r, June 12). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
3. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (n. d.). Vocational education. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
4. UNESCO (2018). Re-orienting Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning. Retrieved from
5. Vilanueva, Ch. (2003). Education Management Information System (EMIS) and Formulation of an Education for All (EFA) Action Plan for the period from 2002 to 2015. Retrieved from [in Russian].
6. Londar, S. (2019). International experience in the development of modern educational information systems. Educational Analytics of Ukraine, 1, 5–17. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
7. Lesnikova, M. V. (2017). Statistical reporting in vocational education: review and ways to improve. Statistics of Ukraine, 2, 58–70 [in Ukrainian].
8. OpenEMIS Concept Note – TVET (2018, January). Tracking and Monitoring Technical and Vocational Education and Training Data using an Open Education Management Information System (OpenEMIS). Retrieved from
9. NCES (n. d.). National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from
10. UNESCO (2013). Status Report on the Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Retrieved from
11. NESIS (2003). Education Management Information Systems (EMIS). Retrieved from
12. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2019). On approval of the regulations on the institutional form of obtaining vocational (vocational-technical) education (Order No. 1552, December 12). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
13. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2017). On education (Act No. 2145-VIII, September 5). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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15. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2020). On the state social assistance for low-income families (Act No. 1768-III, June 1). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
16. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (2020). On the Status of war veterans and guarantees of their social protection (Act No. 3551-XI, October 10). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
17. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2019). On approval of the procedure for inclusive education in vocational (vocational-technical) institutions (Resolution No. 636, July 10). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
18. Ukrainian State Consumer Standard. (2010). Classifier of professions DK 003: 2010. (Act No. 327, July 28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
19. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2010). On approval of the procedure for the placement of graduates of vocational and technical institutions trained under government contract (Resolution No. 784, August 27). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
20. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2014). On approval of the procedure for the further training of teaching personnel in vocational and technical institutions (Order No. 535, April 30). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
21. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. (2018). On the approval of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and the approval of the plan of measures for its implementation (Resolution No. 57-r, January 17). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
22. UNESCO (2012). Promotion of the use of information and communication technologies in technical and vocational education and training in CIS countries: analytical report. Retrieved from [in Russian].