
Sergii Melnyk


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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of the national education and training system for the period of the country’s independence. Using statistical, comparative and monographic methods, factor and system analysis the key achievements during the formation of the national education and training system were identified, they consist primarily of the formation of legislative, institutional, personnel, financial and material support. The main problems that need to be addressed as a matter of priority are identified, namely, the low level of participation in the education and training of employers and other key stakeholders (professional associations, trade unions and other civil associations); imbalance of volumes of the supply and demand of experts and skilled workers within different fields of studies in the national and regional labor markets; difficulties in creating a new national qualifications system, etc. The most significant factors causing respective issues have been identified, in particular demographic, socio-economic, migration and political ones. New problems of political nature, advantages and disadvantages of authorities, relevant institutions, social partners of different levels in the process of modernization of the education and training system are considered in detail. Four scenarios are proposed (transformation, when the education and training system gradually adapts to changes in the economy and the labor market; modernization, which involves a systematic transformation of the educational sector using a clearly defined model, usually similar to European systems and framework qualifications; reformation, meaning that the most successful model of the market of skills and qualifications with its many components is «imported» to the maximum extent; author’s own approach). The general conclusion is to propose that the relevant decision-making bodies utilize the author’s approach, which provides for: maximum consideration of developments and regulators in the field of education and training in Ukraine; redistribution of certain functions and funding spent by certain central executive bodies, subordinate public institutions, the National and branch academies of sciences, etc., under a single collegial governing body; creating institutional support for a new model of the regulatory framework for education and training on the principle of public-private partnership, i.e. attracting available resources of stakeholders and their maximum coverage.
Keywords: qualification, skills, national and regional labor markets, education and training, supply and demand of personnel for different professions, forecasting the need for personnel, stakeholders.

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