Oksana Denysiuk
Nataliia Tytarenko
Valentina Tkachenko
Tetiana Dron
Full text (pdf)
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The teacher is both a participant and a driving force in the reformative changes currently taking place in general secondary education. They serve as a driver for the implementation of the conceptual provisions of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). This article deals with the issues of the paradigm shift in the role and position of the modern teacher in the educational process caused by the transformation of school education. The authors analyse the factors leading to the rethinking of the teacher’s role at the present stage. It is established that in the modern world, a highly qualified teacher must possess a number of general and professional competences, including linguistic-communicative, subject-methodological, information-digital, innovative, organisational and others. It is emphasised that the implementation of the NUS reform imposes new roles and responsibilities on the teacher as a coach, moderator, tutor, and facilitator. The study analyses and summarises the essence of the concepts of “moderator”, “tutor”, “coach”, “mentor”, and “facilitator” in the context of the tasks faced by teachers in their professional activities. The article includes a list of educational indicators developed by the authors to help monitor the implementation of the principles and provisions of the NUS. The focus is on the teachers’ readiness to implement the NUS reform. The study analyses the tasks that teachers consider important in their work, such as fostering competences, developing pupils’ critical thinking and preparing them for independent problem solving. This study also examines the didactic approaches available to school teachers and their readiness to apply them in their work. The role of the teacher in the context of reforming general secondary education and the professional competences necessary for the implementation of the NUS tasks have been studied. Attention has been paid to problematic issues, the resolution of which will help the teacher to effectively implement the ideas and tasks of the NUS in the educational process.
Keywords: New Ukrainian School (NUS), professional competences, NUS values, critical thinking, hard and soft skills.
Keywords: New Ukrainian School (NUS), professional competences, NUS values, critical thinking, hard and soft skills.
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2. Vasylieva, V. V. (2018). New professional roles and tasks of a modern teacher in the context of the New Ukrainian School concept. Retrieved from https://vseosvita.ua/library/novi-profesijni-roli-i-zavdanna-sucasnogo-vcitela-vkonteksti-koncepcii-novoi-ukrainskoi-skoli-87162.html [in Ukrainian].
3. Hupan, N., & Pometun, O. (2019). New professional roles of teachers as a factor of innovative development of democratic education. Formation of civic culture in the new Ukrainian school: traditional and innovative practices, Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference. Sumy. Retrieved from https://lib.iitta.gov.ua/id/eprint/716654/ [in Ukrainian].
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7. Gardner, R., Nobel, M. M., Hessler, T., Yawn, C. D., & Heron, T. E. (2007). Tutoring System Innovations: Past Practice to Future Prototypes. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(2), 71-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/10534512070430020701.
8. Tsiupak, I. M. (2018). The essence of the definition of “tutor” in the modern space of preschool education. Training of a modern teacher of preschool and primary education in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School, Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference. Kherson. Retrieved from http://ekhsuir.kspu.edu/bitstream/handle/123456789/7632/45_%D0%A6%D1%8E%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BA%20%D0%86.%D0%9C.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y [in Ukrainian].
9. Osadcha, K. (2018). The problem of tutor profession institutionalization in the Ukrainian educational space. Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology, 6(1). Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326265813_Do_pitanna_sodo_institucionalizacii_profesii_tutora_v_ukrainskomu_osvitnomu_prostori [in Ukrainian].
10. Yefimenko, S. (2019). New professional roles of the modern teacher. Retrieved from https://cusu.edu.ua/ua/konferenc-19-20/ix-mizhnarodna-naukovo-praktychna-onlain-internet-konferentsiia-problemy-ta-innovatsii-v-pryrodnycho-matematychnii-tekhnolohichnii-i-profesiinii-osviti/sektsiia-2/10483-novi-profesiyni-roli-suchasnoho-pedahoha [in Ukrainian].
11. Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. University of Edinburgh Social Sciences Research Centre. Retrieved from https://monoskop.org/images/1/19/Goffman_Erving_The_Presentation_of_Self_in_Everyday_Life.pdf.
12. Husak, V. M. (2019). New roles of teachers in the context of reforms of the modern Ukrainian school. Pedagogy of partnership as a basis for the development of educational actors in the NUS, Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference. Zhytomyr. Retrieved from https://conf.zippo.net.ua/?p=79 [in Ukrainian].
13. Zabavliaieva, T. A., & Piurko, V. Ye. (2018). Organisation of the educational process on the basis of partnership pedagogy in the context of the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. Personal and Professional Development of Teachers in the Context of Implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference. Melitopol. Retrieved from https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/bitstream/lib/23232/1/2018_Starosta%20V_Popadich%20O_s.195-198%3B%20Starosta%20V_Keminj%20I_s.230-233%20Melitopol.pdf [in Ukrainian].
14. SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics”. (2021). Research on teachers’ readiness to implement the New Ukrainian School. Kyiv. Retrieved from https://iea.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Teachers_Report_2021-1.pdf [in Ukrainian].
15. Denysiuk, О., Dron, Т., & Tytarenko, N. (2023). Monitoring study on the readiness of pedagogical staff for the implementation of the New Ukrainian School reform. Kyiv. Retrieved from https://iea.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/teaching-staff_2023.pdf [in Ukrainian].
16. SSI “Institute of Educational Analytics”. (2019). Research on the teachers’ readiness to the implement New Ukrainian School Concept. Kyiv. Retrieved from https://iea.gov.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Doslidzhennya-shhodo-gotovnosti-pedagogichnih-pratsivnikiv-do-realizatsiyi-Kontseptsiyi-Novoyi-ukrayinskoyi-shkoli_2019.pdf [in Ukrainian].