Iryna Kucherenko
Lidiia Mamchur
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Language: Ukrainian
Abstract. The article describes the psycholinguistic factors that are important for the formation of students’ communicative competence, and substantiates their specific features and the need for implementation in the language education system. The features of the speech activity of a linguistic personality are considered. All types of speech activity form the basis of communication as a psycho-cognitive activity of generating one’s own utterance and perceiving someone else’s speech (text/discourse) in a particular communicative situation. The process of creating one’s own utterance is analyzed, and the main stages of its generation are determined (pre-communicative, communicative, and post-communicative). The features of speech creation as an individual communicative act are explained, and models of speech activity related to the phased process of speech generation are analyzed. The article considers an analytical model of communication, consisting of three interconnected sides: communicative, interactive and perceptual. The substantiated process of communicative interaction occurs gradually and includes important stages of communication, which are realized in stages. Communicative skills are characterized as skills aimed at producing one’s own speech and perceiving other people’s speech within specific communicative situations; they are specified in accordance with the stages of speech generation. The process of speech perception by a communicator is described, which takes place in two phases (actual perception and understanding) by moving from a surface analysis to a deep one. It is found that various barriers (logical, linguistic, stylistic, phonetic) arise in the process of communication, and their features are determined. On the basis of the conceptual provisions of psycholinguistics, the methodological emphasis is determined, which will contribute to the improvement of language teaching in order to form a high level of communicative competence of the individual. The results of experimental studies are presented.
Keywords: communicative competence, speech activity, creating a statement, perception of speech, communicative act, communication model, structure and stages of communication, communicative skills.
Keywords: communicative competence, speech activity, creating a statement, perception of speech, communicative act, communication model, structure and stages of communication, communicative skills.
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